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50 Uses of Essential Oils that are Essential for Summer

It's unofficially summer! Woo Hoo!! In trying to keep with the clean eating, organic, etc. lifestyle - I figured there has got to be Essential Oils for Summer. Sure enough, there are so many uses that I can't wait to try them all!!

But for starters, here are some that I've already tried, and that I like. A couple disclosures/disclaimers: I only recommend using high quality therapeutic-grade for ingestion. I use DoTerra oils. These are not everyday oils that you can find at the store. This is also what has worked for me and my family. There are a lot of great Essential Oil brands out there. For more information regarding DoTerra, you can visit here. My suggestion should in no way to take away from what is suggested from your doctor. I am not a doctor and I am not promising any healing or medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration.


Lavender is one of those oils that just smells delightful and is has a relaxing/calming effect. Every night I run lavender and the DoTerra breathe blend in our diffuser for about an hour when we go to bed. It has helped both Dave and I relax and instead of staying awake for sometimes hours in bed, we are both usually asleep before the timer stops on the diffuser.

I'll add lavender oil to my detergent when I'm washing my sheets to help Dave and I have a restful sleep. Here's a recipe from my friend Lorragenia on how to make your own washing detergent:


2 bars of fels naptha soap

1 Cup Borax

1 Cup Washing Soda

(I, Tammie, add 2-3 drops of Lavender when I do my sheets - otherwise I'll add lemon, citrus, or whatever blend hits my fancy)

Directions (per Lorragenia) Grate the bars (I use the fine grate on a hand grater simply because I don't feel like dealing with a processor) mix with 1 cup each of the Borax and washing soda. I tweaked this from a recipe I found on One good thing By Jillee, and she got hers from another...anyway, I say that to say that this may not be my creation Just that this is what I've found works for me. I use about 2 Tbsp for a regular load. I also have used it with my dedicates and it seems to be fine.

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon is one of my favorite oils to use for cleaning in my home. During the summer months you may feel that you are cleaning more frequently than other times of the year with the kid’s home all day for weeks on end. Instead of using those harsh cleaners, try using lemon mixed in water or vinegar for the toughest cleaning power. DoTerra makes a blend called On Guard. Likewise Young Living makes a blend called Thieves. On Guard contains: Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary.

"On Guard also serves as a non-toxic and all natural cleaner that provides an energizing and uplifting aroma while purifying surfaces in your home. Simply mix On Guard with water to create a surface cleaner to keep surfaces in your home purified and protected. When diffused, On Guard can cleanse the air throughout your home while simultaneously providing an energizing and uplifting aroma that doubles as a source of respiratory and immune support for those in the home." (DoTerra website)

For the dryer - you can make "dryer sheets" by adding lemon oil to a washcloth and tossing it in the dryer. Makes your towels smell nice and fresh. Much cheaper than dryer sheets in the long run and better for the environment.

DoTerra makes a blend called Purify which is a favorite. Purify gets rid of bad odors, and can be an effective cleaner in your house. The DoTerra website says, "Purify contains Lemon, Lime, and Pine essential oils, known for their powerful cleaning properties, along with Siberian and Austrian Firs to purify the air and protect against environmental threats.". If you don't have access to Purify, you can probably come up with your own blend using those ingredients.

When changing your sheets you can spray Purify on your mattress. One thing I do is get my steam mop and add a few drops of eucalyptus and lavender steam mop my mattress.

Melaleuca/Tea Tree Oil:

Keep tea tree oil handy for summer months when walking bare footed and end up with warts at the bottom of your feet. Walking around pool areas and hotels without shoes can cause this and adding a bit of Melaleuca oil can prevent it from getting worse until you can be seen by a doctor.

Melaleuca can also help with scrapes and burns: Dilute one-to-one in a carrier oil for those with sensitive skin.

My go to for swimmer's ear is Melaleuca oil and a blow dryer.


Bugs are going to be out, it’s inevitable in summer - especially in Houston. The mosquitos are outrageous. Clove will aid in keeping bugs away while your little ones play outside (and inside for that matter!). The smell is one that insects like mosquitos do not like, so it will help to keep them away during summer months. Scroll down for some great anti pest blends you can use around the house.


I figure if the wisemen brought this oil to Jesus - it must be good enough for me. Frankincense is another great oil to add on cuts and scrapes when having nothing else around. It’s great to carry in your backpack when heading to the parks with kids. It also helps with headaches. Simply rub it on your temples or a bit on the roof of your mouth.

Homemade Sunscreen

You will need:

4 oz chemical free, scent free Hand and Body Lotion

8 drops Pure Helichrysum essential oil

4 drops Pure Lavender essential oil

1 tablespoon zinc oxide

Mix all ingredients together. Store in a glass jar with tight fitting lid.

To use: Apply before going into the sun. Reapply every 2 hours or so.

The SPF factor is around 20. **NOTE: This mixture is NOT water proof.**

Homemade After Sun Treatment

You will need:

15 drops Pure Lavender essential oil*

2 oz fractionated coconut oil

Small GLASS spray bottle

Shake before applying. Spray over affected areas for relief.

*Although Lavender oil is my favorite for minor burns, Melaleuca or Roman Chamomile are also good substitutions if you’d like to try something other than lavender.

I found the above recipes on an online forum that was posted by a user named "oils4life".

Below is a pretty good list that I found for summer uses of Essential Oils. This is not my list, and I don't remember where I found it unfortunately, but there are some great tips listed. Because it isn't my list, I'm not making a printable of it.

Around the House

1. Boost Cleaning Power of natural household cleansers with Orange, Lemon, or Grapefruit oil.

2. Deodorize Your Fridge with Lime, Grapefruit, or Lemongrass after cleaning or added to baking soda box

3. Freshen Trash Bins with Grapefruit or Lemon oil sprinkled into baking soda. Shake mixture into the bottom of cans and refresh as needed.

4. Deter Flying Insects with Peppermint, Lavender, Citronella, Lemongrass, or Rosemary oil around windows and doors

5. Disinfect Your Dish Sponge with Lemon oil between uses.

6. Freshen Bathrooms with Lemon, Grapefruit, Lavender, Rosemary, or Geranium oil in a diffuser.

7. Eliminate Lingering Food Odor with Clove, Cinnamon, or any citrus oil added to pots of simmering water

8. Infuse Your Shoes with Geranium, Basil, or Lavender or Melaleuca oil to keep foot odor at bay.

9. Neutralize Pet Odor with Geranium, Lavender, or Lemon oil. Mix ten to twenty drops of essential oil in a small spray bottle filled with apple cider vinegar. Shake well before each use.

10. Refresh Carpets with Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, or Peppermint oil added to baking soda. Sprinkle mixture into carpet, let sit for at least 15 minutes, then vacuum up.

11. Dissolve Stubborn Substances like wax, oil, chewing gum, or glue with Lemon oil.

12. Scrub Sinks with a mixture of Bergamot and Lime oils diluted in water.

13. Scent Your Vacuum Bag by dousing a cotton ball with your favorite essential oil and dropping it into the vacuum bag or filter.

14. Wash Fruit and preserve its freshness with Grapefruit oil.

15. Repel Spiders and Rodents by spraying Peppermint oil mixed in water around windows and doors. Douse a cotton ball with Peppermint oil and stuff into corners of windows where spiders may be able to enter. Use the same method anywhere you think rodents might be able to access your home. Spiders & mice HATE peppermint. Fill a spray bottle with water, add 10-15 drops of Peppermint essential oil, and spray the peppermint water in the cracks and gaps where spiders & rodents can enter your home. Alternatively, add one or two drops of Peppermint oil to a cotton ball and place in these same areas.

16. Neutralize Paint Odor with 10 ml of Peppermint oil added to a can of fresh paint.

17. Scent Your Bath Towels by sprinkling a dozen or so drops of a favorite oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss it in the dryer with clean towels.

18. Remove Mites from Bedding with a few drops of Eucalyptus oil mixed with water and added to the washing machine.


19. Add Aroma to Your Fireplace by applying ten or so drops of essential oil to a dry log. Allow the oil to permeate the wood for at least a couple of days before burning.

20. Transform a Candle by adding a few drops of essential oil to the hot melted wax near the wick after the candle has been burning for a few minutes.

21. Freshen the Air by adding twenty drops of your favorite oil to a small spray bottle filled with water. Spray as desired and always remember to shake well before each use.

22. Lighten the Mood in a room with Lavender, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile, or Orange oil added to a diffuser.

23. Relax Your Mind and Body by adding Chamomile, Lavender, Bergamot, or Cedarwood oil to your bath water.

24. Scent Your Whole Home with your favorite essential oil or blend of oils sprinkled onto the new furnace filter each month.

25. Remove Lingering Smoke Odor with Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Tea Tree diluted in water in a small spray bottle. Shake before each use

26. Stay Alert while driving or studying by inhaling the scent of any combination of Lavender, Sage, Frankincense, Lemon, Peppermint, Lemongrass, and/or Basil oils.

27. Unwind After a Hard Day by dropping Basil, Grapefruit, or Peppermint oil into a candle-powered oil burner.

28. Invigorate Your Office with Ylang Ylang, Basil, Orange, or Jasmine oil added to a diffuser.

29. Create a Relaxing Environment in your break room or lobby using Chamomile, Lavender, Bergamot, or Cedarwood in a diffuser.

30. Scent Letters and Cards with fragrant essential oils that complement a holiday or special occasion.

31. Liven Up Silk Flowers with a matching floral essential oil. Mix oil with water in a small spray bottle, shake well, and apply to flowers. Refresh as needed.

Health and Healing

32. Cure Nausea with Ginger or Nutmeg oil. Rub a few drops on soles of feet and relax until nausea passes.

33. Soak Sore Feet in Peppermint oil added to an Epsom salt foot bath.

34. Bolster Your Immune System with Oregano oil rubbed on the bottoms of feet.

35. Relieve Menstrual Cramps with one part Clary Sage, Basil, or Rosemary oil mixed with four parts carrier oil. Massage into abdomen and cover with a warm compress for fifteen minutes. Repeat as needed.

36. Soothe a Headache by mixing two drops each of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Lavender oil per six drops of carrier oil. Massage into temples, behind ears, on back of neck, across forehead, and under nose for quick relief.

37. Open Your Airways by inhaling the vapor of Eucalyptus and Lavender oils mixed equal parts with a carrier oil. Rub onto chest before bed for a better night’s sleep.

38. Avoid Germs While Traveling by packing a small spray bottle containing equal parts Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Rosemary oils diluted in water. Shake well before each use.

39. Stop Hair Loss with Burdock Root, Ginger, Hops flower, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, or Yarrow oils mixed with a carrier.

40. Detoxify Your Body by soaking in a warm Epsom salt bath infused with Rosemary and Juniper oils.

41. Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes with Lavender or Tea Tree oil. Dilute one-to-one in a carrier oil for those with sensitive skin.

42. Reduce Fever by adding equal parts Sage, Frankincense, and either Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Pine, or Rosemary oil to a bath. Add the same oils to lukewarm water and sponge onto feverish skin.

43. Relieve Tension by massaging a few drops of Lavender oil under the ear just behind the jaw, into temples, and over stiff neck muscles.

44. Relax Tired Muscles with Eucalyptus, Sage, and Basil oils added to a warm Epsom salt bath.

45. Say “Goodnight” to Insomnia by sprinkling Chamomile and Lavender oils onto your pillow. Add several drops of both oils to a cotton ball and keep near your head while resting.

46. Loosen Stiff Joints with a couple of drops Wintergreen, Juniper, or Vetiver oil mixed with about a teaspoon of carrier oil. Gently massage into achy joints.

47. Protect Skin from Sunburn by mixing one part Myrrh oil, one part Carrot oil, and two parts Jojoba oil. Apply liberally for sun protection equivalent to SPF 30.

  • To halt hiccups, add 4-5 drops of Peppermint essential oil to 1 – 2 Tbsp of room temperature water to a shot glass full of water. Drink in one big gulp.

Aromatherapy for Your Auto

48. Deodorize Upholstery with Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, or Ylang Ylang oil in baking soda. Dust on, let set for a few minutes, then vacuum off.

49. Air Condition-Air Freshen by clipping a cotton ball in front of an air vent and adding a few drops of your favorite oil. Every time you change the air filters in your home, place a few drops of essential oil on the filter. It will kill microbes in your duct work, and make your home smell wonderful.

50. Have a Little Fun. Cut two identical pine trees out of green felt and another out of paperboard. Glue felt to both sides of paperboard and hang from your rear-view mirror. Scent with pine oil and refresh as needed.

Last week I gave an overview of Essential Oils with a giveaway for an Essential Oils carrier. You still have one more week to get subscribed for the giveaway. You can subscribe right here - it's fast and easy. I promise I won't clog or email with spam or sell your information. Also, please "pin" any of my blogs that you find interesting or would like to pass along. That would help me immensely. My pinterest account is also under kineappleunderpants, but you can pin directly from my website as well. Thank you so much for all of your support.

If you need reminding, here's what the current giveaway is - a cute keychain bag for carrying your Essential Oils:

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