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Day 1 of the Declutter Challenge - Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, a period of 40 days (excluding Sundays) which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar. It's the time of year that, if observing Lent, Christians remember the sacrifice of Jesus, who went into the wilderness and fasted 40 ays before going to the Cross. Many people, Catholic & Protestant alike, observe Lent, and choose to give up a particular vice for the period of Lent. Instead of giving up chocolate, pop or chips, many others use Lent as a period of time to help others. Yesterday's post I decided that I would do a 40 day Declutter Challenge, and give up things that I don't need, and in turn, it would help others. Plus, it would give me a head start on Spring Cleaning.

Don't forget to enter my Spring Cleaning Giveaway. Here's the giveaway (Enter to win here):

1. Roomba vacuum (valued at $275);

2. Smart living Steam Jr, (valued at $50); and,

3. An introductory kit of Essential Oils (valued at $35).

This morning, I decluttered my mind. I've gotten in the habit of beginning my day by checking my email, checking FaceBook, and getting online to look over the news media. Before I know it, a good hour to hour and a half of my day has been wasted away. To top it all off, I oftentimes get sidetracked with watching videos, going down the old YouTube rabbit hole, and the day wastes away. It's noon before I settle down for my devotion time, and I glaze right over it because I remember everything that I have to do in the day.

In my life, Ash Wednesday begins a social media fast for me as well as the limiting of my time on the Internet and getting my priorities back in order. In my spiritual life, Ash Wednesday becomes a day of rebirth and refocussing on God, my relationship with Him, and the important things in my life.

Joel 2:12-17 (NLT)

12 That is why the Lord says, “Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. 13 Don’t tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish.

Who knows? Perhaps he will give you a reprieve, sending you a blessing instead of this curse. Perhaps you will be able to offer grain and wine to the Lord your God as before.

15 Blow the ram’s horn in Jerusalem! Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting. 16 Gather all the people— the elders, the children, and even the babies. Call the bridegroom from his quarters and the bride from her private room. 17 Let the priests, who minister in the Lord’s presence, stand and weep between the entry room to the Temple and the altar. Let them pray, “Spare your people, Lord! Don’t let your special possession become an object of mockery. Don’t let them become a joke for unbelieving foreigners who say, ‘Has the God of Israel left them?’”

These verses set the tone for my time with God during the Lenten season. They remind me to get rid of everything that hinders me in my walk. This season, in connection with the decluttering challenge, it's time to get rid of "the stuff". Verse 13 in light of the challenge reminds me that "the stuff" isn't what is important, it's what's going on in my heart. Quit thinking and collecting "the stuff" - instead get rid of it - and just bring my heart to God.

My devotional reminds me that Lent is not just about giving up something important to me to remember Christ's sacrifice, but that it's also an act of worship. An act of remembering that while I'm Spring Cleaning my home, and getting rid of the material things in my life that shouldn't have priority, Christ is cleaning my heart. That while I go through the efforts and motions of doing this challenge, I should do it prayerfully and carefully - and remember to pray for those whose life I may come in contact with or who God calls on me to help. It's not only about me but about those who may benefit from the things that go to charity that can help others.

So today's decluttering and cleaning was actually fairly innocuous. One of our goals is to get back to basics in our lives. I have to admit that I'm a neat freak (not as bad as Dave), and I always want my house smelling nice and fresh. To that end, I buy candles, air fresheners, wax melts, etc. So, in the spirit of decluttering my mind, I decided to get rid of all the air fresheners, sprays, and wax melts that I have and use only organic, natural products to see if I can tell a difference. Here they all are, and I put them on our neighborhood message board for $10 - and sold them within an hour.

With the help of my friend Lorragenia, she sent me an Essentials Oils diffuser and I ordered one, and am experimenting with different oils to see how they work. I'll give an update after a few days. She is a Distributor for Doterra - and you can find her shop here.

One thing I will say is when using a diffuser - when it says only use a few drops with water - less is more. I used about twelve drops of lemon oil - and within five minutes I had a headache - and I live in a 3600 sq foot house - so you know it was strong. I diluted my formula - and within minutes all was right with the world, and my house is nice and lemony and I actually do feel rejuvenated and motivated.

I also decided to work on my kitchen tile floors and deep steam clean them. I used my hand held steamer (one exactly like I'm giving away) - and cleaned the grout and the places in the floor that have gotten a bit grimy - then I went over it with my steam mop.

Now, in the hand held steamer, I only use distilled water per the instructions; however, in my regular steam mop I'm allowed to use anything like vinegar or essential oils. So, I was given this cleaning recipe from my friend Tammy McCown who also is sells Essential Oils and she can be emailed here.

Recipe for steam mop:

1 cup water,

1/2 cup each rubbing alcohol and vinegar,

10 drops each white for, lemon and melaleuca

I mixed it up in a bottle and I was able to keep refilling my steam mop enough times to do my entire kitchen. I've put a few pictures of my floor, the one on the left is the before and the one on the right is the after. The steam cleaner, steam mop, and cleaning solution worked like a champ!!

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