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Not Every Woman's March

Really? A march for women's rights here in America? What exactly are we supposed to be protesting? The fact that President Trump used vulgar language years ago? Yet, the hat of choice at the rally seemed to be "pussy" hats. Most of the women up on the stage spoke with such crude language that even a sailor would be embarrassed. Protesting President Trump's hate speech and bullying pulpit? Yet, there was more hate, derision, and bullying coming from that march than any Trump rally.

Most have seen the video of the thirteen (13) year old girl who attended the march with her mother, and was mocked and bullied for wearing her red "Make America Great Again" cap. She was told several times to either leave or take off her hat. She was jeered at, bullied, and made fun of. Before the march there was a lot of controversy about allowing Pro Life groups to participate. Finally, they were allowed to participate but were remarkably sparse and given no stage time.

When I heard about the whole Women's March/Protest, I knew immediately it would be a one-sided, one agenda event. It was an event that was only open and accepting of women who believed the way they believed and promoted those beliefs.

Then I really got to thinking about what exactly were these women challenging? Are women oppressed in this country? What has President Trump taken away from us? Our right to vote? Our right to speak our minds? Our right to burn our bras? Our right to work inside/outside of the home? Our right to be who we feel we are called to be?

What about protesting and changing things that matter? Why aren't these same women who spout off "nasty" women poetry going to countries where young women and girls are sold into marriage, where their vaginas and clitorises are being mutilated? What about the women who are being raped daily and repeatedly because of their religious beliefs? Or having forced abortions for population control? How about standing up for girls and women who aren't allowed more than an elementary education? What about the ones who are kidnapped and sold into slavery and human trafficking? Where is the outrage and outcry for those women? Where were the marchers and protestors as the Clinton Foundation took millions of dollars from countries that consistently oppress their women?

It's easy to protest and speak out about things imagined, words said, or things that haven't happened or may never happen. When you don't have to be uncomfortable or put into action your "beliefs" you can do or say almost anything. When you can hide behind your celebrity, your money, your keyboard (yes it goes for me, too), and your self-righteous indignation, you can march against anything. But, how many of those hundreds of thousands of women have went to war torn countries or gotten involved in issues where women are really being oppressed?

The women's march wasn't about the oppression of women. There was only one agenda, and that had to do with abortion. For the record, I'm pro life. However, like Tim Kaine repeatedly pointed out to Vice President Pence in their debate, shouldn't women be given the choice to make the right decisions regarding their body without the federal government telling them it's right or wrong. Mr. Kaine and the rest of liberal America, can you remember that same argument when you try to make laws regarding gun control? Shouldn't law abiding citizens be allowed to purchase a gun without the federal government telling them it's right or wrong?

If everyone who marched yesterday would put their money behind their march - Planned Parenthood would have no need for federal funding. Their outcry for affordable healthcare for women would be met through private funding. Abortion is not healthcare. If each and every person who proudly shouts her abortion would give their money, Planned Parenthood wouldn't be dependent on which party is in the White House.

Just like a person has a right to purchase a gun, the woman has a right to have a safe abortion. However, nobody is asking the federal government to subsidize the cost of owning a gun, and the same should be said for abortion providers. You can argue that federal funds aren't directly used for abortions; however, they are used indirectly through infrastructure of Planned Parenthood.

It's time to wise up, and remember first world problems aren't really problems but privileges. Ask any young woman who is actually being oppressed, and see if they would trade places with any of us here in the United States. They wouldn't think twice.

The Bible tells us to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves. So for me and my house, that's where I will choose to devote my time, talent, energies, and money.

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