Cruise Travel Giveaway - February 10
In honor of our recent cruise, I've put together a great freebie giveaway. All new subscribers (and my loyal few who drop me an email) -...

Carnival Valor - Five Day Fun Times
Here are the Fun Times for the five day cruise (Cozumel and Progreso) out of Galveston, Texas on the Carnival Valor. Itinerary: Day One -...

It's My Birthday Cruise - Day Five - Carnival Valor - Last Sea Day
After years of cruising, I've found that each cruise has a little different feeling to it. For instance, one cruise we couldn't get...

It's My Birthday Cruise - Day Four - Carnival Valor - Progreso
Let me start by saying - we are not impressed with this port. This is our third time visiting, and even though Carnival is starting to...

It's My Birthday Cruise - Day Three - Carnival Valor - Cozumel
We arrived in Cozumel. When we arrived in port, Frankie our cruise director, announced that any water excursions had been cancelled due...

It's My Birthday Cruise - Day Two - Carnival Valor
It was our first sea day, and we decided to just lay low for the day. The weather was still pretty cool. We began our day with a bagel...

It's My Birthday Cruise!! Day One - Carnival Valor
Happy Birthday to Me!! Going to Galveston for a five day cruise for my birthday. We checked the boys into the kennel, and away we went...

Carnival Valor Sideways Room Tour
Here's a tour of our stateroom for my birthday cruise. It was the first time we had an interior sideways room. They are smaller than a...

Not Every Woman's March
Really? A march for women's rights here in America? What exactly are we supposed to be protesting? The fact that President Trump used...

50 + Cruise Tips/Hacks/Secrets for First Time Cruisers
My husband and I love to cruise. It's an inexpensive way to vacation and see the world. After all of our cruises, we've picked quite a...